The key to successful promotional marketing is giving away things people will actually use. If the promo products you give away immediately wind up in the garbage or simply tossed aside and forgotten, all you've done is waste time, money, and energy.
Companies can't afford this kind of waste.
Every year countless products like T-shirts and stickers, emblazoned with company names are given away. The intent of product marketing give-aways is for company name or logo being seen and remembered.
This is most likely to happen if the giveaway item is actually useful in daily life.
What are some of the most popular product we are seeing in 2018?
2018's Biggest Promotional Product Marketing Trends
Keep reading to see our list of this year's biggest trends before you buy!
1. Brand Recognition
People want brands that they recognize, so if you are in the market for promotional items, pay close attention to current retail trends. Retail brands have become hugely influential in determining what products people want and will use.
Drinkware brands like Yeti have exploded in popularity in recent year, but if the price of a premium brand like Yeti is too steep for your company's promotional budget, consider a lookalike brand. These lookalike brands are still functional and popular, and typically cost a fracture of the premium brands.
2. Wellness Products
Health and fitness is another product segment that has seen a huge growth in popularity in recent years. From water bottles to fitness trackers, customers and employees alike seem to be drawn to fitness-related products today more than ever.
3. Smart Tech/ Wearable Tech
Smart tech is visible anywhere you go. Focus on popular consumer products like wireless headphones, Bluetooth speakers, battery chargers, or even high-end items like VR headsets, GoPro cameras, or anything digital. Smart tech offers a great opportunity for branding by providing high visibility.
Smart tech includes wearable tech products like commuter jackets and packs, or any apparel with built-in sensors. These products can perform cool functions like relaying important health data to your smartphone.
4. Go Wireless
It seems like everyone wants Bluetooth connectivity in everything they buy. From hats to watches to headphones.
More and more name-brand electronics companies are jumping into the market, putting speakers in every kind of product imaginable, as consumer demand for these high-end products continues to expand.
5. Upgrading the Classics
The popularity of some products seem to have greater staying power. Products like packs and notepads, portfolios and totes. Rather than trying to reinvent the wheel, consider simply putting a new, creative spin on an old favorite, like upgrading materials or design.
Take a Look Around
It's hard to walk down the street without seeing dozens of examples of product marketing. Everywhere you look people are using popular products emblazoned with corporate branding.
This is an exciting time for product marketing, with cutting-edge products that people are hungry to have. Take a look at these trends and take advantage of the multitude of marketing opportunities they offer!
Contact us for more great marketing concepts for your company.